RuthAnne Visnauskas

A smiling individual with glasses wearing a gray blazer is seated in an office environment.

RuthAnne Visnauskas was appointed Commissioner and CEO of New York State Homes and Community Renewal in March 2017. Since taking the helm at HCR, RuthAnne has led the successful complete on of the state’s first five-year, 100,000-home housing plan as well as the launch of a new $25 billion housing plan that is creating and preserving an additional 100,000 homes, including 10,000 with support services, plus the electrification of an additional 50,00 homes.

RuthAnne directs HCR’s programs and policies to achieve the mission of providing New Yorkers with quality, sustainable affordable housing, while incorporating high standards and practices for energy- efficiency and green development, priori zing
improved access to broadband, health care, and green space, promo ng equal and fair access to housing opportuni es, and collaborating with partners on developments that take a holis c approach to revitalizing entire neighborhoods.
Prior to joining HCR, RuthAnne was Managing Director of the Housing Advisory Board for the Robin Hood Founda on, New York’s largest poverty-figh ng organiza on. RuthAnne also held several key posi ons at the New York City Department of Housing Preserva on and Development, the na on’s largest municipal housing agency, including the role of Commissioner from September 2014 to February 2015.